Monday, 15 September 2014



Full day in Brittany involved oysters by the golf (when they finally arrived) and a tour of Vannes.

This was followed by a swim (sadly no surf) at the big beach near Plouharnel.  Dinner at Auberge Saint Anne was indeed superb.  A gastro treat.

Brittany to Bordeaux

A leisurely morning and lunch in sunny Brittany.  A long drive to Bordeaux- how is it only meant to take 4hours.  This involved a traffic jam at Nantes and lots of motorway.

A stop at Buffalo Grill for dinner- first time at one of these restaurants which aren't too bad at all- certainly good value.  However finding the Hotel Premiere class was not great especially as a major Bride (of Aquitane) was closed.  Needless to say the Hotel Premiere class was not great- we got there at 1 in the morning and left prompley the next day.

Bordeaux and Dont take girls camping!

Saw a few sites of Bordeaux before heading to Dune de Pyla.  Stocked up in huge Leclerc (hardly any people in the Arcachon store).  I like big Leclercs.

Dune de pyla was quite impressive, you get a great voew of the forest.  After that it was onwards to Biscarosse.  Quick surf check revealed continued flatness, not much swell showing yet.  I was curious to see this place but to be honest it was not interesting,

We go to Seignosse before dark to camp.  I had even booked an expensive campsite.  Maria did not like camping.  It was not good. Dont take girls camping!

Hossegor- waves

Finally got in the water.  It was quite sizey first thing and clean.  Unfortunately my fitness and abundance of surfers including good locals meant I did not get my share of the best ones, but had some fun ones on the inside.

After a stock up on a Gateau Basque nd checking itno a hotel- headed back to Seignosse.  This time for a session whoch was a bot onshore but still some alrite waves.

Headed into town in the evening for a few drinks.   Some of the people out were quite strange to say the least.

Hossegor Bayonne

Pretty small gutless waves in the morning from a dying swell.  No oysters either as all the places by the lake were full.

Headed early to Bayonee and checked into the comfort of the nice hotel.  Also had a wander round Bayonne and good pizza for dinner.

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