Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Day 18- Various issues

Woke up in Anglet.  Checked Les Cavaliers but the surf was not really on there- looked a bit all over the place.  Headed down to Anglet Club, further south to score some surf.  Conditions were awesome with head high barrels on the sets.  I had session number one, not too many waves as it was really crowded before getting out.

Had brekkie before deciding to go back in, but as there were some steep waves I bust out my step up board.  This is where the problems started.  I went for a wave section and colided full on with a guy going the other way.   Nose is completley screwed- could not find anyone in Anglet who could repair it fast enough. Pissed off- but have dried the ding out.

Had a bodysurf at Anglet before heading to San Seba via the coastal route.  Got into to San Seba, got a belt and decided to stay the night here in a hostel.  So fingers crossed for the car again overnight.

My ferry is now on the 20th which was preferable to cancelling and driving up France- due to a techincal issue apparently.

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